Writing Samples

News Reports

  • News Brief

    A hypothetical news brief written for Charleston City Paper about Tattooed Moose winning three local “Best of Charleston” awards for 2022.

    I learned how to write clearly and concisely.

  • News Story

    A hypothetical news story written for the Post and Courier. This story was written with the intention to be posted online immediately following the incident.

    I learned how to organize my writing using the inverted pyramid and how to be concise when writing.

Blog Posts

  • Five ways to mentally refresh after a stressful day

    This blog post serves as a tool for readers informing them on how they can mentally refresh after a stressful day. I personally enjoy reading wellness content so here is my take on a wellness-driven blog post.

    I learned how to format a blog post and write in a way that is concise yet informative and fun to read.

Feature Articles

  • Duncan Street

    This is a personal narrative written about my street. I really enjoyed writing this piece.

  • Chronic absenteeism plaguing South Carolina schools

    This article explores the issue of chronic absenteeism in South Carolina schools, discussing its impact on schools, students, families, teachers, and futures.